Monthly postcard subscription
1 full color front and back, glossy (because I like shiny things), oversized 8.5x5” postcard on heavy weight paper - art piece in the mail
Postcards delivered end of January 2025 through end of December 2025
Postcards are appropriate for all ages - birth to death
The subscription will begin at the end of this month, setting the vibe for February. The last postcard will deliver end of December 2025, opening the new year in 2026.
Put these magic postcards on your fridge, your mirror, your office, your heart to yours. Better together.
Here is the rambling of the whys:
Caps for sale! Caps for sale! Fifty cents a cap!
I don’t actually have any caps for sale I’m so sorry, but a sales pitch always makes me feel that way. As if I am a child again on my front deck, standing on top of a small wooden picnic table, the top of which is filled with crayon drawings, calling out at the top of my lungs, GARAGE SALE! GARAGE SALE! Mind you I am not even in a garage, I am on top of a picnic table, but I do have drawings for sale. Thanks to aunties and grandparents (and mothers that make things happen) that somehow heard my shouts and came driving up to purchase art. That was the beginning. And here I am.
I am here this cold Sunday morning, equipped with coffee, candles, palo santo and essential oils - trying to call in my muses and energies - to do the thing I dislike most, which is marketing myself. However, it would be really hard to sell anything without marketing. Carry on.
I would like to offer you, for 2025 into January of 2026, POSTCARD CLUB. I will now type from the notes I channelled months and months ago and have been trying to ignore but when an idea is relentlessly knocking I have to finally open the door, you know??
This subscription service will bring art and inspiration to your mailbox every month. Some hope to keep going, some light to keep you in your element.
Realignment tools. Here are the things that I turn to when I need help in my day. A daily saying to myself: you know what you need?! And it is likely time in nature. And/or a hot bath, a sound bath, hot sauna, cold plunge, loud music, dancing, acupuncture, reiki, podcasts, books, breathwork, or meditation. Even reading that list I’m thinking, yep it is all of those that are fast fixes to anything. I mean anything. I also like to make my computer password, the one I have to stupidly change way too often, a phrase that is motivational. I think I saw or read this idea somewhere once. Like right now it’s FORCEOFNATURE777 (please don’t hack me or whatever)and everytime I type my password I have to remember oh that’s right force of nature bam bam! Lastly, I like to pin musings, phrases and intentions on my fridge and mirror. Things that pop into my head, things I want to remember, something I read somewhere that made sense to me…..One of the best things I read this past year said - Decide what kind of life you actually want. And then say no to everything that isn't that. Keeping words and images around me that remind me of the life I actually want has been, not to be dramatic or anything, but literally life changing.
I would like to peddle you my wares now. I want to try a postcard subscription service that offers you the same. Some intention for your month. Something pretty for inspiration. Some beauty and joy. Maybe some serious, definitely some playful. You will get 12 postcards. One every month. The subscription will begin at the end of this month, setting the vibe for February. The last postcard will open January 2026, and wow I wonder what will happen between now and then.
I have no idea what these postcards will say or look like because I’m not really in charge. I won’t know what each month will need or hold until I am up against it, and then get out of my own way, and let the light flow through with the balm that is needed and then that’s what you’ll get - but in tangible postcard form. Postcards may have words, but not always. Lots of art, but that’s unpredicted on type. No promises except that it’s going to be a beautiful surprise postcard, every month.
Fun pretty mail is better. A subscription supporting me (which allows me to continue what I’m doing which allows others to continue what they're doing which we all do better when we all do better you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours butterfly effect keep going keep going light light light)is better. Staying in the good vibes high frequency alignment is better, and potentially critical to hold each other up. |